Tuesday, 3 September 2013

A Laugh for Your Day

 A London man said he rolled over in bed to cuddle his girlfriend and was shocked to come face to face with a fox.

Leon Smith, 30, said he thought he felt his girlfriend, Sophie Merrell, nuzzling the back of his neck, so he rolled over for a cuddle, 

Smith said he was shocked to discover Merrell had already left for work and the warm body next to his was actually a fox that had come in through the cat door.

"I just couldn't believe it. It was so calm, just staring at me," Smith said.

Smith said he chased the fox out of the house and the couple are now considering getting rid of the cat door to keep their home safe from future visits.




Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Back to School

One of my favorite memories I have about going back to school is spending time with my mom the week heading up before.

We'd do some school shopping and take a drive and stop in at a specific gas station and buy fudgesicles  (Hope I spelt that right lol).

The day before she'd order a pizza for us for lunch.  

Those are things I'll always remember.

Try and make some memories or traditions with your loved ones....memories last a lifetime.



Monday, 17 June 2013

Getting Involved

I was able to take part in a couple local events this weekend. We live in a great area do do some family oriented events.

Something else I've been doing in this nicer weather is walking instead of driving. I've noticed a big difference in gas and it gives you a chance to explore the community.

Now that the nicer weather is here make sure to take some time out of your day and get to know and get involved with your community.



Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Big Thanks

Big thanks going out to all of our Jr. Announcers who took part in our Jr. Announcer week. It takes a lot of guts to sit in front of a microphone and talk to hundreds of people.



Monday, 4 March 2013

Getting Your Feet Wet

This is the time of year when CJTT FM rolls out the welcome mat to our interns and to our Jr. Announcers.
Internships are terrific and get your feet wet and let you see if you want in any industry! I always thought I'd love to try acting...but after going through a mock audition with Skating to New York, I'm no longer sure I'd want to act...lol.

If you know someone between the ages of 12-18 that would like to try radio, encourage them to take part in our Jr. Announcer week! It's a GREAT way to see if radio is in your/their future.

E mail your letter to cjtt@cjttfm.com or drop it off at out studios BY 8AM MARCH 8th.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Try Something New

Here it is a new year....have you tried something new? This year I've experimented with some cooking and even auditioned for a movie that's being shot right here in Temiskaming Shores. Things I've never done but thought I'd always like to try.

If you've always wanted to try something, there's no time like the present :)



Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year

Remember its a new slate, don't focus on the past but learn from it and push forward.

